Deployment of Air Quality Monitoring System by GIL

On December 14, 2022, the Government Innovation Lab (GIL) deployed an Air Quality Monitoring system at the Planning and Development Department (P&DD) Civil Secretariat in Quetta City. The project was completed by Government Innovation Lab (GIL) senior fellow Muhammad Ibrar Under the supervision of Dr.Ajab Khan Kasi, Chairman, Department of Physics,  with the continuous support of Dr. Waheed Noor, Team Lead (GIL). We are thankful to Mr. Arif Hussain Shah Chief Economist for his continuous support to our lab and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for the continuous support to our lab.

Problem Statement: Air pollution is a major environmental concern that affects the health and well-being of people around the world. While traditional methods of air quality monitoring, such as stationary air quality monitoring stations, provide data, they are often expensive and not feasible for widespread deployment in an urban area.

PROPOSED SOLUTION: To address this issue, we proposed the development of a low-cost self-powered sensor-based air quality monitoring system that utilizes a network of sensors to continuously measure and transmit data on various air quality parameters, such as particulate matter, carbon monoxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Sulfur dioxide, temperature, humidity, and ozone.

The system records real-time data from sensors, after processing and analysis it applies an algorithm to determine the current air quality index (AQI) and gases of each parameter and then it displays the data on a web dashboard using Internet of things (IoT) Technology. The designed system is affordable and scalable, enabling widespread deployment in urban areas. It will provide real-time, comprehensive data on air pollution levels, enabling city officials and residents to make informed decisions about their exposure to air pollution and take appropriate measures to protect their health.


  • Selected as a Finalist in the top 100 at SEE-Pakistan Event 2022 out of over 1000+ submissions, showcasing innovative and competitive ideas on a national level.
  • Successfully piloted and deployed the project at the city level with the support of UNDP and P&D and is currently Functional. Link for official Report:

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