All modern educational institutions use multiple software tools and professional management practices to run institutions efficiently. When you look for a single system that connects all the activities of the educational institution, you will understand the significance of the Education management information system(EMIS) working as the backbone of modern educational world. An education management information system is a platform which let educational institutes to manage their data or information at a single place.
This system act as data repository where institution can gather, store, and analyze the data, also create various reports which then help in monitoring the institution growth & students’ academic progress in a real-time. The education management information system can be used in schools, colleges, and universities with or without much customization. This possibility makes EMIS versatile and easy to implement in any kind of educational institution irrespective of the student strength.
The proposed EMIS will surely enhance the working performance of education department by doing a lot of tasks in less time & completely digitizing their organizational framework. This complete automated system (EMIS website & a Dashboard) will handle their everyday functions efficiently including different areas i.e. Collage profiling, Human Resource profiling, & students profiling. The developed E-MIS would entertain data entry, data updating & report generation.
Online Admission portal would also be developed as needed crucially, managing complete record of students. Development of Auto-merit system feature to divide collage seats among applicants in orderly manner on merit basis according to their score. Therefore, to model, analyze, visualize and optimize the complex puzzle, this EMIS will work exquisitely.
As GIL has already developed cognate projects previously, so it proposes some basic features for this EMIS:
• Collage profiling
• Human Resource profiling
• Students profiling
• Online Admission portal
• Auto-merit feature for admission management.
• Integration of reserved National Level Engineering seats.
• Geo tagging of educational institutions.